Design Intangible World

ZEROBILLBANK - Startup Journey in Israel



2000年の辰年にIBM Japanに入社してから早12年。
IBM Singaporeにて活動することになりました。





Growth Market UnitでのWorking Opportunityについて、熟考に熟考を重ねましたが、今をターニングポイントと捉え、一旦、IBM Japanを休職。IBM Singaporeにて現地営業として新たなキャリアを踏み始めることに決めました。

結果的にはIBM Singaporeとなりましたが、GMUでチャレンジしようと思った理由を、あとで振り返ることができるよう記載しておきます。

①Slowdown in Japanese market growth
The growth speed of the Japanese market is slowing down and the market itself is shrinking clearly compared with the 80's-90's. A technology innovation and globalization is making the trend toward commodity in every industry faster than I have ever seen. I feel that human resources in the growing market will displace resources, such as experts and traders in the mature market. To differentiate between them, I'll try to grasp what the growing market is and will be in the next few years, and how global companies adapt themselves to a new market.

②Develop my new career in the challenging field
I want to have a chance to change for the better. This unprecedent initiative is a good opportunity for broadening my horizons, developing my new career and expanding relationships in the exiting market.

③Future partners
In the next decade, we may face an era when we have to associate with the growing countries and get along famously with them. Therefore, I’m going to take a step toward to future partners and build the cornerstone in the new field.

④IBM Strategy
I want to be a person who connects clients who want to expand their business field to the new market with IBM talented persons and IBM capabilities. And then, I would like to see how well an unprecedented initiative can do in GMU. I feel that staying in one place has a rising risk of being swallowed up by the wave of "commodity". Therefore, it is time for me to decide to go global and be a person who has a lot of experience as a GIE resource.

IBM Japanでのこれまでの12年間を振り返ると、大きな成功体験を得ることもできましたが、そのような成功体験を活かし続けるのが難しいのも世の常。
